Translation Publications by the META-FRASEIS Laboratory

- 2023. The NKUA Guide for Incoming Students. Athens: NKUA. (A joint project with other foreign department laboratories, of the School of Philosophy, on the occasion of the emergence of new laboratories in the area of the former Spoudastiria: MA students translated the Greek version of the Guide into their language of study (English, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian).
- 2021a. Aspects of Meaning-Making through Translation, Maria Sidiropoulou (Ed.), Athens: Patakis
A. A SFG perspective to translation practice. Chapter 1. Pragmatic perspectives of meaning-making in translation/Maria Sidiropoulou, pp. 23-67. Chapter 2. ΜΑΚ Halliday’s metafunctions in translation/Maria Sidiropoulou, pp. 68-106. B. Cognitive aspects of translation and interpreting. Chapter 3. Cognitive perspectives of translation/Anna Hatzidaki, pp.68-134. Chapter 4. Fundamentals of interpreting /Effrossyni Fragkou, pp.135-170. C. Societal aspects of translation practice. Chapter 5. The translation of tourism advertisements/Stavroula Kefala, pp. 171-196. Chapter 6. Linguistic hybridity and globalization: Emerging challenges in translation studies/Nikos Gogonas, 197-225. D. Historical perspectives in translation studies. Chapter 7. The cultural turn: Gender and translation/Diamantoula Korda, pp. 226-251. Chapter 8. History of translation in the West:A diachronic linguistic perspective/Nikolaos Lavidas, pp. 252-298. EXERCISES and observation material/Maria Sidiropoulou pp.299-356, Ioanna Gioti pp. 356-359. Index.
- 2021b. Shaping the Revolution through Kolokotronis' Memoirs, in Maria Sidiropoulou (unit ed), Athens: Επιστημονική Επετηρίς της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών (ΕΕΦΣΠΑ), vol. ΜΕ' 379-448. (Editor, Prof. Gherasimos Zoras).
PART A. PORTRAYING SOCIETAL VALUES – 1. A nation in the making: Greece in the 1820s, Lemonia Tsavdaridou & Petroula Tsoli, 2. Perceiving education and progress in a collectivistic social context, Konstantinos Daskalakis & Chara Vlachaki. 3. Shaping the Great Powers, Georgia Valasidou & Aristea-Maria Metaxa, 4. Spatiο-temporal landscapes in subjugated Greece, Despoina Dimaki & Athanasia Katsa. PART B. SHAPING THE REVOLUTION – 5. Perceiving betrayal, Georgia Psychogyiou & Marianna Tritou, 6. Death and dying in the revolution, Eleni Sitou & Ioanna Asanakidi, 7. The personality of the leader, Efi Pouliasi & Marianna Papageorgopoulou, 8. Metaphors of war and rebel fighting in 1821, Aikaterini-Sofia Panoutsou & Fioralbo Permeti. (Analysis of cultural aspects arising from Kolokotronis' Memoirs, by MA students of the MA course 'Translation and Intercultural Communication' (2019-2021) in commemoration of the bicentennial of the Greek war of Independence. First time that students are contributing to ΕΕΦΣΠΑ).
- 2021c. Kolokotronis' Memoirs translated into English. NARRATING EVENTS OF THE GREEK RACE from 1770 to 1836 - Narrated by Theodoros K. Kolokotronis, Printed by H. Nikolidis, from Philadelphia, Athens 1846. Joint electronic publication by the Centro de Estudios Bizantinos, Neogriegos y Chipriotas, University of Granada, Spain, and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Translation by: Ioanna Asanakidi, Konstantinos Daskalakis, Despoina Dimaki, Athanasia Katsa, Aristea-Maria Metaxa, Aikaterini-Sofia Panoutsou, Marianna Papageorgopoulou, Fioralmpo Permeti, Efi Pouliasi, Georgia Psychogyiou, Eleni Sitou, Marianna Tritou, Lemonia Tsavdaridou, Petroula Tsoli, Georgia Valasidou, Chara Vlachaki. Translation editing Maria Sidiropoulou,The META-FRASEIS Laboratory.