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Maria Sidiropoulou


Maria Sidiropoulou is Professor Emerita of the Department of English Language and Literature, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Translation Studies, 299/26-9-2006-31-8-2023).

She was Chair of the Department (Dec 1, 2017- Aug. 31, 2020), Director of the MA Programme 'English Language, Linguistics and Translation' (2020-2022), and Chair of the Interdepartmental MA Programme 'Translation: Greek, English, Russian' (2020-2022), Director of the 'Translation Studies and Interpreting LABORATORY, META-FRASEIS' (2020-2023), founding Director of the META-FRASEIS TRANSLATION PROGRAMME (2007-2020) which preceded the Μeta-Fraseis Laboratory, Director of the Language and Linguistics Division of the Department of English Language and Literature (2004-2006), Head of the Interuniversity and Interdepartmental Co-ordinating Committee of the 'Translation-Translatology' MA Programme of the University of Athens (2009-2011), Deputy Director of the 'English Language, Linguistics and Translation' MA Programme of the Department of English (2018-2020).

Her publications (books, co-/edited volumes, articles) and talks deal with intercultural issues manifested through Greek-English translation in the press, in advertising, in academic discourse,  in EU documentation, in tourism, in literature, on stage and screen. 



Βooks (translation studies/pragmatics)

Co-/edited volumes/work 

Journal articles (translation studies/pragmatics) and Contributions to volumes

Translating, translation supervising and editing

Editorial/Advisory work

  • Founding Editor of the Interlingual Perspectives – translation e-volume (2010-2017) and of the Meta-Fraseis Programme (2007-) which developed into the Μeta-Fraseis Laboratory in 2019.
  • Member of the international editorial board of the journal Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts (2014-) Amsterdam and New York: John Benjamins  
  • Member of the international advisory board of the mΤm journal (Minor Translating Major, Major Translating Minor, Minor Translating Minor), Athens: Diavlos 
  • Member of the international advisory board of the Revue Scientifique Syn-thèsesUniversity of Thessaloniki (2008-2010) 
  • Member of the international editorial board of The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (ITT) journal (2010-), London: Routledge
  • Occasional refereeing (not on the editorial board) for Meta – Translators’ Journal (2010, 2011, 2012), Perspectives: Studies in Translatology (2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020), New Voices (2013), Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology (2014), Languages in Contrast (2018), Internet Pragmatics (2018), Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict (2019, 2021), Journal of Pragmatics (2019, 2020, 2021, 2024), Journal of Audiovisual Translation (2020, 2021).
  • Occasional reviewing of book proposals: John Benjamins (2016), Routledge (2021), Springer (2024).
  • External examiner/moderator for the University of Surrey, UK, MA moderator in Translation (2010-2014) 
  • External examiner for the University of Manchester (UMIST/School of Languages, Linguistcs and Cultures, MAs 2002-2008, Ph.Ds 2013, 2014))

Invited Lectures

  • (προσεχώς) Πανελλήνια Ένωση Μεταφραστών "Θεατρική Μετάφραση και Πραγματολογία" 18/3/2025
  • Σώμα Ομοτίμων Καθηγητών (ΕΚΠΑ) "Μετάφραση και Πραγματολογία: Η εμπειρία από Δ/ΠΜΣ μετάφρασης του ΕΚΠΑ" 13/1/2025.
  • The London Arts and Humanities Partnership (King's College),  Invited talk, entitled "Translation as a laboratory context of pragmatic meaning-making". Online Symposium, "Cross-linguistic analysis within linguistics and social sciences"(40-minute plenary talks by 3 senior scholars), 8/3/2021.
  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of English Language and Literature and TICL, online postgraduate talk, Topic: Pragmatic Perspectives in translating Advertisements, 1/12/2020.
  • University of Bari, Italy, Department of Letters, Languages, Arts - Italian and Comparative Culture, online postgraduate talk, Topic: The concrete/abstract pragmatic variable in translation, 30/10/2020.
  • National and Kapodistrian Univesity of Athens, 9th Im/politeness and Globalization Conference, 1-3 July, 2015.Topic: Winds of Change? Voicing im/politeness in English-Greek translated political science discourse, in plenary 03/07/2015.
  • University of Warwick, Coventry, U.K., Centre for Applied Linguistics, Lecture Topic: Inter-/Intra-Cultural Variation through Translation, 18/02/2015.
  • University of Aston, Birmingham, UK, School of Languages and Social Sciences, Lecture Topic: Approaches to Translational Data: The English-Greek Paradigm, 19/02/2015.
  • Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, Department of Translation & Interpreting Studies, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Lecture topic: Historical Experience through Translation, 11/4/ 2013.
  • University of Manchester, UK, Centre for Translation & Intercultural Studies, School of Modern Languages, Lecture Topics: Socio-Political Narratives in translated English-Greek News Headlines 26/5/2010 & Shifting Identities on Stage 27/5/2010.
  • European Commission Directorate-General for Translation, Training Unit R.4 in BRUSSELS and LUXEMBOURG, Lecture topic: Greek and English Linguistic Identities in the EU: a translation perspective, 25 and 26/6/2009.
  • University of Cyprus, Department of English, Department of French Studies and Modern Languages. Lecture topic: Cultural Allusions in Translation: A Didactic Perspective, 10/3/2007.
  • University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of French Studies, Round Table Discussion: Translation Studies in Greece: Present and Future, 3/11/2006.
  • University of Manchester, UK, Centre for Translation & Intercultural Studies, School of Modern Languages, Seminar open to the public, Lecture Topic: Identities in Advertisement Translation, 27/10/2003.
  • University of Aston, Birmingham, UK, Institute for the Study of Language and Society, Lecture Topic: Identities in Advertisement Translation, 28/10/2003.
  • University of Lalaguna, Τenerife,Spain (Erasmus exchange programme, postgraduate and undergraduate lecturing), 5/1994. 


E-learning programmes (KEDIVIM 2024-), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens: Εκπαίδευση στη Μετάφραση, Translation and the Teaching of English, Translating in Professional Contexts
